Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Thousand Words

I created this using text, using the shadows and midtones, and then using a layer mask to put it together. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Word and Brush

This is a theme I did with butterflies and plant brushes, to create a sense of freedom and lightness. 

This is a theme I did with the most random brushes creating a sense of randomness and nonsense. 


This is my animation, which is centered around the idea of a strobe light, and I used the animation features to create the color changing affects.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Create Your own...

This is my 'aquarium' which was a bit of a challenge for me getting the colors right  and making everything look like it was underwater... but nonetheless, it was very fun and extremely creative. Below is the link to the original picture and the tutorial. 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, and Radial

My advertisement collage is for Dr. Who, which is one of my favourite shows. For this one, I did asemtrical, which is where the sides are off balanced. 

This is my Inspiration collage, which is compiled of all the things that make me want to draw, or read, or just get me going/motivated. For this one, it's symmetrical. 

This is my past, present, and future collage, which is me, what's written on one side is in pen, which is the past, and the future has a blank paper with pencils. I used a radial for this.